Highlight Text Using Mark.js in Angular Js
In This Article, I’m going to show you step by step how to highlight text using mark.js in Angular Js
Step 1: Open Npm Terminal and Move to Angular Project Folder by using Following Basic command “cd project_name”
Step 2: After that, Type command “npm install mark.js — save-dev” to install mark.js packages.
Step 3: Add Basic Search Text Field ,Few Html Text with inline-styling in app.component.html file as shown below.
After Adding Dummy Html Text, Input Field with Basic Styling
Step 4: After That Binding Input event to highlightText() method on input field and defining that highlightText() method in app.component.ts
Input Event: Execute a JavaScript when a user writes something in an <input> field:
Step 5: Import Mark.js in app.component.ts file using require keyword.
Step 6:
Each API method below can be called on an instance object. To initialize a new instance you have to use:
var instance = new Mark(context);
The variable context
defines where you want mark.js to search for matches. You can pass a single element (e.g. the return value of document.getElementById(...)
or document.querySelector(...)
If for example you’d like to highlight matches in a div with a class context
then you'd have to use:
var instance = new Mark(document.querySelector(“div.context”));
var instance = new Mark(“div.context”);
A method to highlight custom search terms.
There are other methods available like unmark(),markRegExp(), You can check these methods at official mark.js website https://markjs.io/
Adding Unmark Function(unmark()) is useful because it removes previous highlight’s.
Note When You run your project you may face following error
To Handle This Error Just Add Following Line
Step 7: Finally We highlighted search text using mark.js in Angular Js
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